Teaching Assistant job description

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Teaching Assistants are responsible for providing clerical and instructional support for teachers in order to give them more time for lesson planning. They assist students with teacher´s lesson plans, giving individualized attention to every pupil or group of children. These assistants supervise students in schoolyards, hallways, and in cafeterias. They may specialize in some subjects like science or math at the secondary school level.

Teaching Assistants usually perform many of the following tasks:
• Assisting teachers.
• Supervising children at school facilities.
• Checking homework.
• Duplicating materials.
• Operating audiovisual equipment.


• Having good organizational skills.
• Being able to take directions from a teacher.
• Being patient.
• Having good communication skills.
• Being confident.
• Having a real desire to work in education.
• Having interpersonal abilities.
• Being able to work with students of all ages.
• Being able to work under stressful circumstances.
• Being open minded.


Some Teaching Assistants jobs just require candidates having a High School Diploma and on-the-job training. It is also recommended to have a related coursework, college degree, or a Diploma in Child Development in order to maximize job opportunities. Some Colleges offer certificate programs or Associate Degrees that prepare people to work as assistant, providing additional training. There are cases where applicants need a driver´s license and pass a background check. Some Universities also offer certificate programs for people who want to work in this area.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for teaching assistant.

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