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South Carolina

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South Carolina is a state in the Deep South that borders Georgia to the south and North Carolina to the north. Originally part of the Province of Carolina, the Province of South Carolina was one of the 13 colonies that declared independence from the British Crown during the American Revolution. The colony was originally named by King Charles II of England in honor of his father Charles I, as Carolus is Latin for Charles. South Carolina was the first state to vote to secede from the Union and was the founding state of the Confederate States of America. According to the 2010 United States Census, the state's population is 4,625,384 and ranked 24th among the U.S. states. South Carolina contains 46 counties and its capital is Columbia. Provided by Wikipedia More Info


According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, South Carolina's gross state product in current dollars was $97 billion in 1997, and $153 billion in 2007. Its per-capita real gross domestic product (GDP) in chained 2000 dollars was $26,772 in 1997, and $28,894 in 2007; that represents 85% of the $31,619 per-capita real GDP for the United States overall in 1997, and 76% of the $38,020 for the U... More Info


South Carolina is one of just three states that have not agreed to using competitive international math and language standards. More Info

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