Human Resources Manager job description

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Human Resources Managers work across many industries. Wherever companies recruit, hire, assess, and fire staff, they typically have a person who performs these duties. HR Managers are sometimes responsible for training new employees on the company’s business practices and orientate them to the working environment.
With the financial stresses on both employers and employees, Human Resources Managers are able to handle the motivational responsibilities as well. They source guest speakers to ramp up employee morale, as this directly affects productivity. This is especially needed in companies that have a high employee turnover and little job satisfaction. HR Managers also handle salary negotiations and other labor related issues.
A Human Resources Manager usually performs many of the following tasks:
• Recruiting and hiring new staff
• Conducting performance evaluations
• Mentoring and guiding employees
• Reviewing the company’s human rights policies
• Having extensive knowledge of labor laws
• Meeting with managers and addressing any of their issues
• Managing cases, and documentation
• Training new and existing managers


Expertise in the following areas is an asset:
• Presentation and reporting
• Human resource management
•  Problem solving
•  Mentoring and counseling
• Being organized and professional
• Being respectful, courteous and persuasive
•  Communication, both written and oral
• Diversity management
• Being strategic and analytical


Human Resources Managers primarily study Labor Law, Human Resource Management and Industrial Law. Many educational institutions provide training and courses in social and human courses that may include:
•    Psychology
•    Sociology
•    Anthropology
•    Business Administration
•    Public Administration
•    Leadership
•    Political Science
These courses usually contain modules that are directly related to managing the welfare of workers and resolving the problems that affect them. Having a Bachelors or Masters Degree in today’s working environment is essential. Employers expect such qualifications, as it is an indicator of the knowledge and skills a prospective employee possesses.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for human resources manager.

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