Home Health Aide job description

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Home Health Aides are responsible for helping people who are disabled to live in their own residential facilities instead of in hospitals. They work with a wide range of patients including cognitively impaired, chronically ill, and older adults persons. Their duties are related to homemaking and light housekeeping tasks such as shop for food, laundry, prepare meals, change bed linens, etc. These professionals provide psychological support and instructions to their patients.

Home Health Aides usually perform many of the following tasks:
• Cooking meals.
• Cleaning bedrooms.
• Giving psychological support.
• Monitoring pulse rate.
• Administering medication.


• Having a true desire for helping people.
• Being patient.
• Having good communication skills.
• Being physically fit.
• Having knowledge of emergency healthcare services.
• Being sensitive and compassionate.
• Having techniques in lifting patients.
• Being responsible.
• Having understanding about basic medical terminology.
• Being able to conduct basic physical examinations.


A minimum requirement for persons who want to be Home Health Aides is a High School Diploma. They receive training programs offered by licensed practical nurses, supervisors, experienced aides, and registered nurses. These programs include basic housekeeping tasks such as cooking meals and making beds, and how to respond to an emergency. The National Association for Home Care and Hospice offer a certification for people working on this area. This qualification requires that applicants complete 75 hours of training, including documentation of 17 skills for competency and passing a written exam.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for home health aide.

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