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Hilo, HI

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Hilo is the second-largest CDP in the State of Hawaii and the largest settlement on the island of Hawaii with a population of 40,759 during the 2000 census and 47,345 according to a 2007 estimate.Hilo is the county seat of Hawaii County, Hawaii, and is situated in the South Hilo District. The town overlooks Hilo Bay, and is near two shield volcanoes, Mauna Loa, considered active, and Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano upon which some of the best ground-based astronomical observatories are placed. Provided by Wikipedia More Info


Hilo is home to a number of educational institutions, including two post-secondary institutions, the University of Hawaii at Hilo and Hawaii Community College, and the Hilo and Waiakea primary and secondary school districts. More Info

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