Coach job description

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Guiding athletes and teaching them the correct way to play a sport is the job of a Coach. These are professionals who study the rules, techniques and other technical aspects of a game. They work with children, high school, college and adult or professional athletes. There are many types of Coaches, as there are many different sports and sporting activities like football, netball, swimming, gymnastics, baseball, athletics, skating, boxing, karate, bobsled, cricket, rugby and several others.
Coaches formulate training plans and look at areas such as an athlete’s performance, nutrition, educational performance at school and issues they may be having at home. They mentor young children and some even supervise their transition into a professional career. The salary of a Coach varies depending on where he or she works and the sport, level or team. Professional and successful Coaches often command high salaries and have very good benefits.   A Coach usually performs many of the following tasks:
• Promoting fair play
• Taking care of sports equipment
• Completing administrative duties
• Planning coaching sessions
• Mentoring athletes
• Resolving team issues
• Liaising with schools, instructors and tutors
• Communicating with families


•  Teamwork and team building or management
• Understanding nutrition, anatomy and physiology
• Organization and administration
•  Communication and listening
• Interpersonal relationships
• Mentoring and motivating
• Planning and project management
•  Being assertive and professional
• Stress management


Qualifications for the coaching profession often vary. They are trained or have developed an in-depth knowledge of a particular sport or specialization. Some Coaches have technical knowledge on a number of areas, like athletics. The required qualifications will also depend on their level: Are they working with young children, high schools, or colleges? Or are they professional or amateur Coaches? Stepping into the professional arena takes many years of experience, a record of accomplishments and sheer motivation and focus. Desired certifications include Bachelors, Masters or Post Graduate degrees. Areas of specialization may include Teaching, and Sports Management.

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