Assistant Store Manager job description

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People who provide assistance and share the responsibilities of managing a store work as Assistant Store Managers. They supervise store employees, keep track of merchandise, and handle any other task dictated by the Store Manager. They earn good salaries and may work long hours.
An Assistant Store Manager usually performs many of the following tasks:   • Recruiting staff
• Controlling stock and merchandise
• Implementing business policies
• Ordering more supplies or stocks
• Assisting and reporting to the Store Manager
• Taking inventory
• Performing accounting responsibilities
• Doing security and compliance checks


• Planning, project and time management
• Leadership and people management
• Initiative and problem solving
• Using computers and retail applications
• Being reliable and professional
• Stress management
• Communication and listening
• Mathematics and accounting
• Managing and building teams
• Providing excellent customer service
• Delegating duties appropriately


Having a Bachelors or Masters Degree is not mandatory for the role of Assistant Store Manager. However, it is beneficial in such a competitive job market. Assistant Store Managers should have a good aptitude for sales and retail. People who are interested in this position can study areas such as:
•    Retailing
•    Merchandising
•    Business
•    Management
•    Marketing
•    Communications
•    Advertising
•    Liberal arts

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for assistant store manager.

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Companies According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top companies that are hiring for assistant store manager.

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Categories According to our data, by number of offers, these are the most popular categories for assistant store manager.

Cities According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top locations to get hired for assistant store manager.

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